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Understanding Hypertension – Part 3 How to Naturally Prevent and Reverse High Blood Pressure (Chro

Elianni Gaio

In this article, third in a series (part 1, part 2). I will talk about:

. The most common symptoms of hypertension

. What causes blood pressure to rise

But first, if you have high blood pressure or predisposition to it, I want to encourage you to continue reading this article and learn that there are many ways to naturally prevent and even reverse, not only high blood pressure, but also chronic health problems, all considered normal as we age but instead, caused by our modern diet and lifestyle.

So, let’s continue.

The most common high blood pressure symptoms

Keep in mind that in most cases, the increase of blood pressure does not cause warning signs (1) or at least the signs are not that obvious. Except in the case of a hypertensive crises, one of the leading contributors of stroke and heart disease worldwide.

For this reason, the only preventative way to uncover this silent problem is to have our blood pressure levels checked regularly (2), through keeping routine check-ups or at home.

But a variety of symptoms may be indirectly related to, but not always caused by high blood pressure, such as: headache, nosebleeds, dizziness, feeling sick, vomit, blurred or double vision, blood spots in the eyes, shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, inability to control the facial muscles on one side of the face, facial flushing, and more.

Consider that these symptoms listed above are nonspecific types of symptoms, and generally, only happen if blood pressure has increased to a dangerous or life-threatening level.

Consequently, even without symptoms, if your blood pressure rises, immediately look for medical guidance.

What causes blood pressure to rise (3)?

The interaction of multiple, highly complex and overlapping mechanisms across the physiological system (4), environmental factors, genetic (5),and epigenetic (6) are involved in the attempt to regulate our blood pressure at an optimal level.

Consequently, this complex controlling system should be in perfect synchrony to keep blood pressure at optimal levels.

On the other hand, scientist’s assumption is thathypertension occurs as a consequence of “error” or failure in one or more of this well-coordinated regulatory system of blood pressure (7).

There are two primary hypertension types:

. Essential or primary hypertension (8):

. Present in around 90 percent of all hypertensive cases

. Has multiple risk factors – unlikely to have a single cause - even if one factor is initially responsible, multiple factors are probably involved in sustaining an elevated blood pressure

. Tend to develop gradually over the years

Essential or primary hypertension is considered a major public health challenge because it is a chronic health problem with high costs and consequences, including an increased risk of mortality. And it is frequently caused by factors that can be easily modified and reversed.

So, the good news is that simple changes in our diet and lifestyle are powerful tools to prevent us not only from hypertension but from chronic health problems.

. Secondary hypertension (9, 10):

. Represents 5-10 percent of the high blood pressure cases

.The major risk factor is developing a medical condition as kidney, arterial, cardiac, endocrine problem as an underlying cause of high blood pressure

. Can be caused by the use of some prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, as well as supplements, herbals, and other substances

. Tend to appear abruptly, and usually cause higher blood pressure than does primary hypertension

. If left undiagnosed and untreated, can lead to resistant hypertension, cardiovascular and renal complications

In part 4 of this series, I will talk about hypertension risk factors and a large number of conditions that may increase the probability to develop high blood pressure.

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