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How Balanced is your Gut? All about Intestinal Microbiome, Gut Flora or Gut Bacteria, and Chronic D

Elianni Gaio

Microbiome - Part 2

In the last article, I explained what is the meant by intestinal microbiome, why does our gut microbiome matter, and what factors adversely affect our gut microbiota. Also, the connection between good health and a balanced microbiome.

In this article, I will talk about how the composition of the intestinal flora varies among individuals, which chronic health conditions are associated with an unbalanced or dysbiotic microbiota, and how to prevent and revert chronic health issues using simple interventions such as changes in diet and lifestyle.

So, let’s start!

The Composition of Our Intestinal Flora or Microbiota

As you can conclude, our gut composition varies at a high degree between individuals. Or, each of us has a distinct combination of gut microbial species leading to different capacities to utilize our dietary components and to a different levels of disease risk.

Also, the microbiome composition of an adult may in part reflect the environmental factors in early life and his/her exposure history to microbes, evolving differently with each one of us.

Recent studies have shown that even the fetus human gut, that was supposed to be sterile at birth, is in reality populated with microbes that pass through the placenta from the mother to the baby.

However, it is after birth that the most important colonization of our gastrointestinal tract occurs and depends primarily on the method of delivery (C-section, or natural birth), the maternal flora, the environmental hygiene and the infant diet (if breast milk or formula fed).

But, emphasizing that is our diet throughout adulthood that is the most important determinant in forming the composition, diversification and richness of our intestinal microbiota

An Unbalanced Gut Microbiome

Additionally, numerous scientific studies indicate that when the intestinal microbiota is unbalanced, in a dysbiotic state or, with a disordered overgrowth of bacteria or, an overgrowth of what is called "bad bacteria", it may result in various intestinal diseases and also diseases outside the gut area and anywhere on the body.

Then, many chronic health conditions are linked with a disrupted intestinal microbiota.

Here there are listed some chronic health conditions associated with a disrupted gut microbiome or an imbalanced intestinal flora:

- Diabetes (1)

- Obesity (2)

- Acne (3)

- Allergies (4)

- Depression and anxiety (5,6)

- Rheumatoid arthritis (7)

- Chronic fatigue (8)

- Cardiovascular problems (9)

- Autoimmune conditions (10)

Is Chronic Illness an epidemic in America?

According to the National Health Council, 40 percent of Americans are suffering from a chronic health condition. “Chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of this country.

By 2020, that number is projected to grow to an estimated 157 million, with 81 million having multiple conditions. About half of all adults have a chronic condition, and approximately 8 percent of children ages 5 to 17 were reported by their parents to have limited activities due to at least one chronic disease or disability.”

These numbers are really more than scary ... So, how to be Changing this Scenario?

Thus, if you are suffering from any chronic health condition and included in the above statistics, remember that a good health status depends on how balanced your gut microbiome is.

So, if you have any gastrointestinal symptoms, even if they seem unimportant for you, consider that it may be altering a natural homeostasis in your microbiome. Also, look for a natural way to heal it.

Then, think that changes in diet and lifestyle are fundamental for achieving long-lasting benefits in your health.

Therefore, consider a nutrient-dense diet, adequate physical activity according to your need and goals, reducing your daily exposures to toxins, sleep hygiene, and stress management.

Always remember that these are a combination of factors needed for a balanced microbiome, and therefore, the pillars of a good health.

When we implement all these factors in our daily routine we see miracles happening in our lives.

Normally, a wrong diet and lifestyle are what cause symptoms and health problems in the first place since these are the factors that impact the most our microbiome homeostasis.

Please, don’t wait for the latest drug to be invented because of drugs in general work as temporary BAND-AID, treating symptoms, not the root cause of chronic health issues, and are loaded with side effects.

Be sure that a chronic condition is not caused by a deficiency of a medication.

Thus, why don’t you start right improving your health now by making small and sustainable changes in your daily diet and lifestyle in order to be strengthening your gut microbiome?

Please, leave me a comment on what changes you’ll be making this week.

See you Soon!

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