Our Personal Care Products and Toxins - Part 1
Environmental Toxins
In this article, my goal is to raise awareness on what personal care products represent to our health in relation to exposure to harmful toxins.
It is well known that our body has a natural ability to tolerate a certain degree of exposure to toxins. However, for that we depend that our detox system be working properly.
In fact, for preventing health problems, the best recommendation is reducing any unnecessary exposure to toxins.
In this way, did you know that daily exposure to toxins used in our personal products can cause us serious health problems?
Incredible, on the contrary we think that these products are "harmless" for us, don’t we? So, let's get into the facts.
First of all, think about how many beauty and personal care products do you use daily?
Let's list the most common: soap, deodorant, shampoo, hair conditioner, body lotion, sunscreen, lipstick, makeup in general, shaving products, perfumes, lip balm, toothpaste, enamel, etc.
To illustrate ​​what I'm talking about, give a look at the ingredients or chemicals listed and used in the manufacture of each product you are putting in your skin.
For example, let's imagine for example that you are using Colgate toothpaste. So, let's list the ingredients used in the manufacture of this product. Active ingredients: sodium fluoride, triclosan. And inactive ingredients: lauryl sulfate, cellulose gum, flavor, sodium hydroxide, carrageenan, propylene glycol, sodium saccharin, titanium dioxide.
Only one product and 11 chemicals used in its manufacture.
Or, the vast majority of personal care products are produced through the use of industrial and toxic chemicals.
Consequently, exposure to toxins can create a wide range of harmful effects in our health. From mild symptoms, to serious risks of life or even, to fatal problems.
As well, the daily accumulation of toxins in our body can disrupt our endocrine system, affecting our production of hormones.
In this way, toxins cause oxidative stress in our cells, leading to obesity and impaired glucose metabolism, which can lead to insulin resistance. Among many other problems and consequently, they can cause cancer.
What is even more frightening and publicly known is that the majority of cosmetics companies are often using "hidden" neurotoxins such as lead and mercury in the list of ingredients used in the manufacture of personal care products.
What is not considered is that these neurotoxins can generate irreversible neurological damage.
The tolerance to toxins depends on the tolerance level of each of us. And, it also depends on the toxic load that each of us can bear. Varying a lot between individuals.
The fact is that we are the first generation of humans that we are being exposed to a large number of toxins in our daily basis.
Then, consider how many different ingredients are present in the entire list of toiletries you are using today.
Also, consider about the synergistic effect that can happen with the sum of all these chemicals within the same bottle, and the consequences this toxins can have when used every day and in the long run.
According to the EWG (Environmental World Group), there are 12,500 chemical ingredients used in the manufacture of personal care products.
The great majority of these chemicals are not evaluated for safety.
Thus, most of the personal use products being marketed contain carcinogenic substances, endocrine disrupters and toxins that interfere with the reproductive system affecting fertility, pesticides, solvent-based cleaning agents, etc.
That is, we are using daily in our body chemicals, marketed in beautiful and flashy pots and do not need any requirement of safety tests before they are marketed.
In addition, labeling that a product is non-toxic does not mean that the product is safe to use, as this is a term that is not regulated.
So, in order to reduce your toxic burden, it is necessary minimize your toxin exposure removing "unnecessary" personal care products, reducing their use or, looking safer alternatives.
This is a crucial approach in order to limit your exposure to toxins, and eventually expose yourself to a health problem,
If you need additional information about your personal care products or, safer recommendations for you and your family, please search the EWG (Environmental Working Group).
And please, leave your comment on what are you planning to do in order to reduce your daily exposure to toxins?